Manifesting Our Dreams and Zen Miracles

Updated: January 16, 2022

Dreaming True.


Earlier this year my dream came come true when my daughter, Grace, joined me to visit Dr. Brenda Shoshanna aka Eshin* for a Zen Miracles Tea Party in Manhattan, NYC. I recall listening to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin sing “Don’t Let Me Lose This Dream” and simply imagining a meeting with Eshin for a cup of green tea. I looked forward to discussing how she turns problems into zen koans and applies zen wisdom to everyday life. Truly the zen miracle was sharing a comment on the back of her latest book, Zen Play, Instructions on Becoming Fully Alive.

*Eshin in Japanese means wisdom.

How to Drink a Mindful Cup of Tea from Lion’s Roar magazine by Joseph Emet

There is an ancient saying in the Tea/Zen world: “Cha Zen Ichi Mi”, which means “Tea and Zen, One Taste” from Sweet Persimmon, The Art and Practice of Chado ~The Japanese tea ceremony (茶道, sadō or chadō, lit. "the way of tea" or 茶の湯, chanoyu)

Water Reflection Quotes That Will Enlighten You Compliled by Eric

“We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.” Zen Proverb

“Just as the water reflects the stars and the moon, the body reflects the mind and the soul. Rumi

“Only in still waters do things reflect undistorted.”Anne Brown

A cup of tea or coffee is a nice break. Drinking it mindfully is a real break. Joseph Emet teaches us this five-step practice.

Straight from my grateful heart (kokoro in Japanese ) here’s a Pixie Power Packet with a little star magic to ground your gorgeous zen spirit while you sip tea and reflect on a quote that inspires and rewires you to be who are and believe in the miracle you are. In the words of Coco Chanel, “Don’t be like the rest of them darling.”

“Only the still pool reflects the stars.” A Zen Saying that was given to me by a beloved meditation student and friend, Kristen Baker Bellamy.

“The still water reflects the moon and a little star magic.” Funzen Saying


Using my Hallelujah Voice

 Leonard Cohen’s expression "sweet concern" reminds me of the Sanskrit word "Madhuvidya" which means sweet or honey knowledge, and the simple act of infusing spirituality, (love, light, oneness, and a little hope to take the next step) int…

 Leonard Cohen’s expression "sweet concern" reminds me of the Sanskrit word "Madhuvidya" which means sweet or honey knowledge, and the simple act of infusing spirituality, (love, light, oneness, and a little hope to take the next step) into our everyday lives.

Updated: 10/9/21

They say three is a magic number. I recently mentioned to a friend that my daughter Grace, successful voice-over actor, and Joey Santiago, lead guitarist for the American alternative rock band the Pixies, were the only two people that used the zen secret tools from my book Mental Fitness to "unleash their brilliant performer" professionally.  For instance, when Grace is playing the role of Connie, on Cartoon Network, she grounds her spirit with a grateful heart to capture gorgeous moments to stay in her funzen zone. She calls being superpowered by her 3Gs, grounded, grateful, gorgeous, FunZen coaching.

When our hearts are open, also known in zen as "empty your cup," magic happens. Our intuitive wisdom comes calling, and creativity flows. The very air in the room becomes charged with the gift of possibilities. Inspired from Bellruth Naparstek, author, teacher and guided imagery pioneer.

Out of the blue, I was reminded that Leonard Cohen was the third. He also used my zen secret tools to go back on the road to perform gloriously. 


Joey Santiago's “zazen moment" (sitting medtitation) with Pixies band mates Black Francis, Paz Lenchantin, David Lovering~ 5/5/17.  In this picture Joey is activating Alan Watts' wise words, "When man feels free to be all of himself, there is a magic in every littlest act and thought."

Around the time I was planning to share this post, I was asked by Leonard Cohen's social media voice, Allan Showalter, to share a picture of Leonard and I, which coincided with my comment about teaching Grace and Joey.  Allan was also interested in sharing some of the ideas in this new blog, using my hallelujah voice. Check out, Michiko's Lunch Conversation With Leonard Cohen & Their Menu.  (clickable link)

“Continued below”

Grace and I loved the Pixies show,  now, I'm a fan.  Twitter:Joey Santiago , Grace Rolek

Grace and I loved the Pixies show,  now, I'm a fan.  Twitter:Joey Santiago , Grace Rolek

Using my Hallelujah Voice

Out of the divine timing of events,  I am grateful to share my recent Aha moment. "Leonard used the zen secret tools (brilliant basics) that we discussed at lunch to leave the zen monastery and go back on the road...Leonard lived his practice and he manifested mastery of the fundamentals like focus, dedication, discipline, and fearless confidence to stay in the zone."

I'm so grateful to see Joey Santiago take his "warrior of light" laser focus out on the road too. I appreciate Joey’s cultivation of empty your cup to activate the beginner's mind or zen mindset to become more mentally fit. Working with him to polish up his mindful gem, the miracle diamond with “Joey’s posture tune up” was a breath of fresh air.

A shout out to all of my students, past, present, and future, I'm honored and grateful to be a part of helping you to live in the moment and feel your best with Zen and the art of mindfulness. We got this.

Takeaway touchstone: From worrier to warrior, fear less with more self love.

Paraphrasing, when we concentrate  on breathing and posture, the attitude of mind automatically comes right and mindfulness is manifested effortlessly” Taisen Deshimaru, Roshi 

Shunryu Suzuki, author of spiritual classic, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind says, “The state of mind that exists when you sit in the right posture is, itself, enlightenment."