Secrets of the Universe: In the words of Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life... Sensible, Spiritual Secrets Every Busy Woman Should Know, “Creating a charmed life is, at its foundation, spiritual.”
Discovering how to be mindful and love yourself more, starts with recognizing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your spirit is your true self not your personality (or ego). Love, peace, joy, self control and grit are fruits of the spirit; (Galatians 5:22-23) they’re also your spiritual muscles which can help you grow and learn effortlessly. I call this inner workout, ‘soul work’. Activate your 3G superpowers; Stay Grounded, (posture) Grateful (heart), and Gorgeous (spirit). When we cultivate mastery of the fundamentals, we have a firm foundation to build from. There are no fruits without the roots.
Life Coaching Tip:. When doubt creeps in, Stop in the name of love. Hit zen pause (ahhh), reset focus, smile and flex your ‘love yourself enough’ spiritual muscle. This tiny miraculous shift takes you from ‘worrier to warrior’. As the lovely message in the image above suggests, crossing your fingers, saying a prayer or mantra, carrying a charm, hearing your favorite song; these simple actions work like a charm to ignite your brilliance. We got this. Be yourself with courage, confidence and resllience. “Fall 7, Rise 8”. Japanese proverb #Loveyourselffirst 💚💕
Jim Carrey said it best, “You will only have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.” ❤️
Thank you for stepping onto to this blog. Yes, you are loved and charmed right where you are, each and every day of the year. 🧲 143 from the Funzen girls Ox 😘😘😘
Read more: Mindful Living, 16 Characteristics of a Spiritual Person by Paul Brian
Have a look at 5 minute ~ Guided Gratitude Meditation w/ Tony Robbins (clickable link)
A grateful heart is a miracle magnet!